August 29, 2013

Social media etiquette tips and abbreviations cheat sheet

Social media is now a days is fastest way to promote your company profile, increase your rating or getting jobs. You can use it in many ways and it totally depend on you how you react on event, what about your status and hows your profile looks like. If we talk about Facebook then your profile and status are more notice when you want to apply in major companies in your locale. I even heard this criteria from hiring team that when any new person's CV/resume come to us, we first Google it his/her name to check what his/her presence on internet. 

The way you use social media to promote your company or your professional side is very different from how most people act online when engaging with friends and family. Unless your organization is directly involved in politics, leave politics out of your business's social media discussions. Watch your language and be careful that you aren't saying anything, whether on purpose or accidentally, that may offend readers. The last thing your company (and your career) needs is an angry Twitter, or worse, Reddit, mob pointing out your mistake. 

Here are some guidelines to help you avoid angering the online masses.

I can't say this enough: If you use a smartphone to manage your personal and business accounts, always, always, always double check what account you are posting under before you hit Send.

Consider grammar when writing posts. Sure, it can be difficult to get a message across in 140 characters, but if you can't make it legible, then Twitter isn't the platform for you.

If you're in charge of the company's social media, brush up on apostrophe use and word forms. They're, there, and their do not mean the same thing. Take it easy with the #hashtags. When posting from business accounts, do a little research and figure out what hashtags are relevant to your audience. Capitalize the first letter in every word in long hashtags to increase legibility. #nobodywantstoreadamessyhashtag #SeeIsntThisBetter?

DO NOT use all capital letters. It is considered yelling, and, frankly, always has been. Everybody should know this by now. Don't yell at your audience, or they will unfollow you in a hurry. 

You don't have to follow everybody back, but follow as many of your followers that are relevant to your business. Impersonal, automatically generated direct messages are obnoxious.

Don't get too personal with individuals from your company's accounts. Your business is not a friend, and it's weird when a business tweets replies to personal stuff. How would you feel if you posted "Went out with the nicest woman last night" and a company tweeted "Did you walk her to the door?" in reply? It's just... awkward. 

Engage with people; just remember that a business has no business in peoples' private lives.

Take it easy with the punctuation. Not every sentence deserves an exclamation point! No sentence needs a bunch of exclamation points!!! You aren't a teenage girl -- you provide technology services. More exclamation marks do not make your message more interesting. Use punctuation wisely to ensure that your message isn't lost to poor punctuation choices.

Learn how to use appropriate abbreviations. When in doubt, Google it, because every platform has slightly different abbreviations and they evolve with the technology and society. 

Here are some of the most common for quick reference.

MT (Twitter): Modified tweet. Use this when quoting somebody else's tweet if you change any part of their original message.
RT (Twitter): Retweet. Use this when quoting somebody else's tweet if you don't change any part of their original message.
PRT: Please retweet. This is asking for folks to retweet the message. Use it sparingly.
AFAIK: As far as I know.
FML: Forget (or another F-word) my life.
BTW: By the way.
IDK: I don't know.
#FF (Twitter): Follow Friday. On Fridays, Twitter users use the #FF hashtag to recognize great people they think others should follow.
FWIW: For what it's worth.
NSFW: Not suitable for work. This abbreviation indicates adult or explicit content.
SFW: Safe for work.
SMH: Shaking my head.
TT: Trending topic.
YOLO: You only live once.

If you don't know what an abbreviation means, check it before retweeting a message with it or using it in your own messages. Twittonary is a good resource for checking the meanings of abbreviations you see on Twitter. Facebook offers more characters, so there's little reason to use abbreviations there or on LinkedIn.

Most of the etiquette rules are more easily followed when posting from a computer, but being a social media manager often means working on the go from a smartphone or tablet. So be careful!

August 8, 2013

Responsibilities of a Salaried Taxpayer of Pakistan for 2013

Finance Act, 2013 made drastic changes in different provisions of the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001 related to Salaried Class, some of the important provisions and responsibilities of a salaried taxpayer relevant to submission of return and wealth statement for Tax Year 2013 are listed below: 

a. Filing of Income Tax Return for Tax Year 2013 is mandatory for every salaried individual having income exceeding Rs. 400,000/-. [Section 114(1)(ab)] 

b. Wealth statement and Wealth Reconciliation Statement shall also be submitted alongwith return of income by every return filer. [Section 116(2)] 

c. E-filing of Income Tax Return alongwith Wealth Statement and Wealth Reconciliation Statement is mandatory for salaried individual having income of Rs. 500,000 or more. [Section 118(2A)] 

d. The Federal Government also introduced a new levy i.e. Income Support Levy Act, 2013, resultantly every taxpayer having movable assets exceeding Rs. 1,000,000 shall pay levy @ 0.5%. 

e. Last date for filing of return and wealth statement is August 31, 2013 [Section 118(3)(a)] 

Penalties for Non-Compliance 

a. Non-filing of return will attract a minimum penalty of Rs. 20,000 and maximum 50% of the amount of tax. [Section 182(1) Serial # 1 of the Table] 

b. Non-submission of Wealth Statement will attract a penalty of Rs. 100/- per day of default. [Section 182(1) Serial # 1AA of the Table] 

c. Non payment of Income Support Levy Act, 2013 will attract default surcharge @ 16% pa of the payable amount.

August 7, 2013

NASA will separate twin brothers for a year: one on Earth, one in space

In NASA's current crop of distinguished astronauts, only two have the unique distinction of being identical twin brothers: Mark Kelly and Scott Kelly. Now NASA is using an idea proposed by the brothers to perform a study that's been confined to sci-fi up until now.

Beginning in March 2015, the space agency will be monitoring the biological states of both twin brothers over the span of a year, with a twist: Scott will be aboard the International Space Station for the duration of that period, while Mark, who retired from NASA back in 2011, will remain back here on Earth.

A 1911 thought experiment by French physicist Paul Langevin that says an astronaut in space should age slower than his twin on Earth due to relativity. The theory later served as the basis of Robert Heinlein's sci-fi novel Time for the Stars. But NASA doesn't seem to be interested in studying relativity for this particular expedition. Instead, it described the basics of how the experiment will work in its request document:

"As currently conceived, this project will center on established plans for blood sampling on the flying twin at regular intervals before, during and after the one-year ISS mission, and will obtain corresponding samples from the non-flying twin, who will otherwise maintain his normal lifestyle."

NASA explained it will be looking for research proposals that focus on specific biological attributes in particular, including the effects of space on genetic mutations in Scott, protein levels in the two astronauts' bodies, the levels of other biological molecules, and differences in astronaut psychology between Earth and space. 

Incidentally, it should also be noted that Mark is also the husband of former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ), who was critically wounded in an assassination attempt in early 2011, but has since recovered. NASA has of course previously studied such differences in individual astronauts before, during and after space flights, but this will be the first study of its kind to examine two genetically identical individuals separated by space at the same time.

NASA said that it will be issuing up to 10 awards for research proposals to study the brothers, each worth up to $50,000, and the winners will be announced by January 2014. Researchers interested in submitting their experiment ideas for the astronauts have up until September 17 to do so.

August 3, 2013

Blood Group Categories and How Give & Take Blood

Blood is very important object in your body. Human body without blood can't survive. Many peoples are searching on internet about their blood group matches like from which blood group you can take blood and donate to whom blood group person. Here I'm going to show the table in which you can easily understand the overall flow.

TypeYou Can Give Blood To You Can Receive Blood From
A+ A+ AB+ A+ A- O+ O-
O+ O+ A+ B+ AB+ O+ O-
B+ B+ AB+ B+ B- O+ O-
A- A+ A- AB+ AB- A- O-
B- B+ B- AB+ AB- B- O-
AB- AB+ AB- AB- A- B- O-

This will help you a lot to remind when you are in hurry to know about it. Just com here and you see your solution. Stay tune :)

7 Lovely Logics

There are so many logic's present around the globe. But these are one of my favorite and today I'm going to share with you. 
  1. Make peace with your Past so it doesn't spoil your Present.
  2. What others think of You is none your Business.
  3. Time heals almost Everything, give Time some Time.
  4. No one is the Reason of your Happiness except You yourself.
  5. Don't compare your life with others, you have No idea what their journey is all about.
  6. Stop Thinking too much. Its alright not to know all the Answers.
  7. Smile, you don't own all the Problems in the World.
Hope you understand all of them. Try to adopt these logic's in your daily routine. It will help you feel better. Stay tune:)

11 Reasons Why You Should Drink More Green Tea

There are eleven reasons why you should drink more green tea. Green tea is better and healthy. It keeps you fresh when you feeling tired during work time. Let's have a look on 11 reasons:
  1. It is an excellent source of anti oxidants.
  2. It burns fat and enables you to exercise longer.
  3. It prolongs your life.
  4. It lowers stress but boost brain power.
  5. It reduces high blood pressure.
  6. It helps to protect your lungs from smoking.
  7. It helps to protect your liver from alcohol.
  8. It prevents tooth decoy and cures bad breath.
  9. It helps preserve and build bone.
  10. It boosts your immunity against illness.
  11. It re-hydrates you better than water.
Hope this will increase the knowledge and stay tune to get more knowledge. :)

5 Things That Will Make Your Interviewer Hate You

I read an article by Catherine Conlan, a Monster Contributing Writer, where she added the reviews of Lee Evans, Ronald Kaufman, Cheryl Palmer and Dr. Woody.

You probably know most of the interviewing tips that can help you forge a connection with a potential employer. There are five important points to learn that you must avoid in an interview to ensure the interviewer doesn't end up hating you by the end of it.

Everybody should avoid these mistakes during interview because these things really do happen. Just make sure they don’t happen to you.

1. Jump at the chance to trash your former boss: Lee Evans, CEO and career coach at elaborates this point as:

"An interviewer will dislike you if you respond to the question, ‘What advice would you give your former boss, if asked?’” This is a trick question. The interviewer will interpret your negative response as the answer you might give when asked about a manager at the interviewing company. It's also a test of your ability to respond appropriately to sticky questions. Your interviewer and prospective employer will side with your former manager, and view you as difficult to deal with.”

Instead: Keep your responses professional and watch for trick questions.

2. Tell the interviewer what you would change: Kaufman, elaborates this point as:

"Sometimes interviewers will ask you what you might change about a prospective employer, and it can be an opportunity to bring out some ideas you might have. But keep it constructive, and wait until they ask. Telling them things you would change about their company is arrogant and implies you might be a disruptive employee. As an outsider, you don’t know my needs, my budgets, my problems, and telling me what you would change is a major turn off.”

Instead: Wait to offer suggestions until the interviewer asks for them, and even then, keep them brief and constructive while stressing that you know you don’t have all the information.

3. Comment on your interviewer’s appearance: Evan elaborate this point as: 

"Whether you like the way your interviewer looks or not, keep it to yourself. Even “well, you look nice today” is inappropriate. Commenting on how people look when you've just met them can be a signal that you aren't concerned with social boundaries or are rude. Comments about appearance are on the “interviewer’s red flag list,”

Instead: Keep social commentary to a minimum, and stick to safe and general topics, such as the weather or traffic, before you get into the interview.

4. Denigrate the organization you’re applying to: Cheryl Palmer, a career coach elaborates this point as:

"Even when you want the job, it’s possible that things you say make it sound like you think you’re better than what the company deserves. If you make it appear as though the organization where you are applying is not up to speed in terms of technology or that its facility is lacking, you will alienate the interviewer. You need to give the interviewer reason to believe that you are the best person for the job and that you really want to work there.”

Instead: Find ways to talk about how you’ll be a good fit for the company, rather than implying you’re a superhero for offering to help the organization out of a jam.

5. Show up late: Michael “Dr. Woody” Woodward, an organizational psychologist and author of “The YOU Plan.” elaborates this point as:

"It’s a killer, no matter why it happens. Showing up 10 minutes early is a common interview tip, but its importance cannot be overstated. Tardiness shows one of two things: disrespect or poor planning, both of which are non-starters for most hiring managers. Showing up late sets the tone for the rest of the interview, and you’ll have to be at the top of your game to come back from such a setback. 

Instead: Make sure you’re early to your interview.

Interviewers aren't looking for reasons to say “no,” but things you do can annoy them enough that you lose your chance at the company. Do what you can to make sure they don’t hate you. Stay tune!

August 1, 2013

Ten Commandments of Good Listening

Listening is a process involving the reception and interpretation of messages spoken by others. A common misconception about listening is that it is easy. In fact, the opposite is true. Studies have shown that good listeners show increases in their physical activity when they are listening to others. Since the effectiveness of communications depends so heavily on good listening, it is important to develop our listening skills.

The Ten Commandments of Good Listening:

  1. Stop talking .. You cannot listen while talking
  2. Give the speaker the chance to speak
  3. Listen to perceive .. Not to object
  4. Do not interrupt the speaker
  5. Put yourself in the speaker's boots.. This will help you assess the   situation
  6. Be patient .. Give the speaker enough time
  7. Keep calm .. Angry people will look for mistakes
  8. Don't argue .. Be open and accept criticism
  9. Ask questions .. This shows interest and provides clarification
  10. Avoid prejudice.

These all are really place a great impact on your personality!. Stay tune:)

New Google Nexus 7: 7 Quick Reviews

The New Google Nexus 7 is out of the bag now. The Google Nexus 7 made a considerable splash when it arrived last year, certainly one that belied its economical size and limited power. In the process, it scooped our 2012 Gadget of the Year, so it comes as no surprise that Google now wants to follow up with something, not bigger... but definitely better.

Here I'm going share with you 7 quick reviews relate to New Google Nexus 7. 

1. New Nexus 7 Build and Dimensions

Portability is key when it comes to 7-inch tablets. The new model is almost 2mm thinner than the original Nexus 7. The display is the same size, but the side bezels are 2.75mm narrower on each side, making the device a whole 5.5mm thinner.

It's also 50 grams lighter. Although these seem like small changes, they could add up to very different feel overall. Thankfully, the soft back has been retained.

2. New Display

The Chromebook Pixel showed us that Google is serious about bringing big, bold displays to consumer products. The new Nexus 7 only confirms that, as it lands with a 1920 x 1200 Full HD 1080 display - a first for 7-inch tablets - and packs a whopping 323 pixels per inch. That sort of pixel density puts it on a par with the iPhone 5, far beyond the reaches of the original Nexus 7's puny 216ppi.

Google also promises a screen that supports a 30% wider colour ratio - meaning your media will be more brighter and more vivid.

3. Quad-core power: Better CPU and Graphics Processor

The new Nexus 7 has a Quad-core 1.5GHz Snapdragon S4, that itself packs an 80% faster CPU and a GPU that will push your gaming and video framerates up to four times faster. With 2GB RAM in tow, this is the sort of power that again, puts the new Nexus 7 on a par with the latest generation of smartphones and far beyond its predecessor.

4. Cameras: Nexus 7 got eyes in the back

Cameras are still not the be-all and end-all where tablets are concerned. But Google has adorned the new Nexus 7 with a 1.2MP front-facing camera for video calls and potential selfies, and there's a 5MP camera on the back.
5. Connectivity

The new Google Nexus 7 doesn't hold back on the connectivity front. As well as the usual microUSB, the updated Nexus also supports HDMI output, NFC, dual-band Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 4.0 and wireless charging.

There will be a 4G LTE compatible version. But hold your horses - it's not 100% clear whether this will just be a US option, so keep your fingers crossed.

6. Sound

Stereo speakers come built-in with the new Nexus, allowing for reasonable sound output for your media. Google has also been working with Fraunhofer to add virtual 5.1 surround sound to the new tablet, particularly exciting for film buffs.

7. Jelly Bean update

The new Nexus 7 will be the first device to arrive with Android Jelly Bean 4.3 - the next major update to Google's mobile OS. Among other updates and fixes, Jelly Bean 4.3 features upgraded OpenGL - allowing for photo-realistic graphics, and complex dynamic lighting and shadowing for new games.

New hardware-based encryption also makes 1080p HD streaming possible for the first time ever, a possibility that Netflix will be releasing an app update to support

The new Google Nexus 7 will launch in the US on July 30th - priced at $229 for the 16GB version. A 32GB version will cost you $269 while a 4G-LTE connected 32GB variety will go for $349. That's slightly more than the old pricing scheme of the previous generation, but keep in mind you're getting more bang for your technological buck.