August 27, 2014

6 Key Points Helps You Better Start First Day At Work!

First day at work is like your first day in school. Sometimes people get nervous on 1st day relate to office environment and meet with different culture peoples. I'd like to share few points which helps you to make a better start.

1. Punctual: Make provisions to complete the task before hand; punctuality speaks volume. Being an early comer and an on-time departer adds to the impression, it shows your commitment towards work.

2. Proper Dress: Physical appearance will matter in order to communicate with others in office. When you are in college or university, you could simply wake up and grab unwashed jeans and it could still 'look' appropriate. But when you are work in office then that is not appropriate.

3. Silent the Phone: Activate the silent mode of your phone. Your phone messages can wait, if there is something urgent then you will receive a call. Continuously reply messages is a sign of restlessness and is considered rude when you are in meeting with your colleagues.

4. Be Positive: Be grateful, not just in your verbal interactions but also thank everybody who helped you out. Its not necessary to keep a smile plastered to you face, but be interactive. Do not say you ‘cannot do’ something because you haven’t even taken up a project yet.

5. Listen & Observe: Always be patience and to wait, watch, absorb and then respond. Put off being ‘Mr-Know-It-All’ and control the urge to voice your opinion unless asked for, especially if you do not have any knowledge and there are two seniors deep in a conversation.

6. Ask questions: The biggest mistake one can do is to silently and dumbly follow without knowing why! If you have any queries, make a list and find a person who would be suitable to address them. Do not hold back and hesitate because if you do not understand the concept, you will be absolutely blank while executing in the future.

August 26, 2014

The Ten People You Need in Your Network to Accelerate Your Career

There are many ways to advance your career, but it is rarely a straight path. You can advance your career by staying with one company and methodically climbing up the ladder, although this method is on the downswing.

You can advance your career by leaving companies every 3 to 5 years. Or you can quit your job and start your own company, which often leads to new career opportunities, even if the company fails.

In reviewing my career, I’ve realized that there are certain types of people that have consistently helped me advance to the next level. I’ve been able to use them as sounding boards and ask questions that I normally wouldn't ask, and they’d provide honest feedback. This was extremely important. These are the ten people you need to have relationships with in order to accelerate your career:

CAREER COACH - Someone who has already done what you WANT to do, or someone who is advancing their career without being overworked. Overworked people are not good people to talk to.

FINANCIAL ADVISOR - Someone who lives the life you want to live and is better at saving and investing money than you are. Ideally this is someone who makes less money than you but lives a "better" life. This person doesn’t have to be a professional financial advisor - just someone who is good at it.

AUTHOR / BLOGGER - Someone who has written a book, or who blogs consistently. It's important to watch them as they handle criticism of their work. Writing in public opens you up to criticism, and the best writers respond to that criticism constructively

CEO / VP OF A LARGE COMPANY - Someone who manages big accounts or big teams for a large company. These resources are obviously the toughest to make a connection and build a relationship with unless you have one already. If you do get the chance, it is important to try to build a relationship with them. These resources know how business works and can give you insight into navigating large companies.

ENTREPRENEUR - STARTER - Someone who has started something from scratch and still works on it. I find that these types of people motivate me to keep going. It's also great to keep your ears and eyes close to the startup scene.

ENTREPRENEUR - SUCCESSFUL - Someone who has started and built a successful company. Ideally they have given multiple talks on their success or how to be successful. You can learn a lot from these types of people and many of the successful entrepreneurs WANT to give back.

NON TRADITIONAL CAREER - Someone who doesn't have a traditional job (i.e. who travels and works remotely. Has no home.) I have always been amazed by this type of person. They’ve figured out how to manage their finances and earn an income without having to go to the same office every day. Ask them how they do it.

SPOUSE - Someone you get along with and who doesn't hate you. Someone that listens to you! I would be nowhere if my wife weren’t supportive of me. I'm very happy that my wife supports my work.

RESOURCEFUL TECH GUY/GIRL - Someone you can call with any tech question. NOT the guy you call to ask, “My computer is broken. Can you fix it?” The one you ask, "How would I create a super simple website for my business?" type of question that tech guys can answer. Tech people are slowly taking ove the world. There are resources online for almost anything that you are looking to accomplish.

SUPER CONNECTOR - Someone who knows everyone or can get you to someone who knows someone quickly. If you build a great relationship with a super connector, finding the above people will become much easier! Obviously, you have to have something to offer to entice the super connector to connect you with others who can help you.

The core principal of all these types is that they must have energy and integrity. Integrity in the business world is a must, but you will find plenty of people who do not believe that mantra. Have integrity in everything you do and surround yourself with others who believe in living a life with integrity.

Author: Robbie A.

August 25, 2014

Getting Started With AngularJS

AngularJS is a framework. A framework implies that instead of writing code however you want, you change the way you write your applications and follow the standards set by framework.

By doing this, you can take advantage of some of the built-in features and with AngularJS that means templating, filters, two-way data-binding and more.

Today, I'd like to share with you the basic key points to start the AngularJS development phase. This is the AGENDA of this post:

1. What is AngularJS? Which architecture it follows
2. MVC Architecture Overview in AngularJS
3. Basic Building Blocks
4. Divide project into modules
5. Examples: Source Code
6. Pros and Cons of AngularJS
7. Download the PPT and Source Code

1. What is AngularJS? Which architecture it follows
  • A JavaScript framework for building the single page application.
  • Based on MVC architecture and can be integrate into your existing application.
  • Based on two principles
    • Declarative Programming = Designing of user interface
    • Imperative Programming = Establishing domain logic

2. MVC Architecture Overview in AngularJS
  • Model
    • The data
  • Controller
    • The behavior
    • Modifying / updating the models
  • View
    • The interface
    • How the data is presented to the user
3. Basic Building Blocks
  • Installing AngularJS is pretty simple. It is just like adding the any other library. 
  • Go to the website and download the stable version from there.
  • You can manage the file directory as:

Directives: ng-
A command that is given to library. Few of them are: 
  • ng-app
    • Determines which part of the page will use AngularJS.
    • If given a value it will load that application module
  • ng-controller
    • Determines which JavaScript Controller should be used for that part of the page 
  • ng-model
    • Determines what model the value of an input field will be bound to
    • Used for two-way binding
  • ng-if=“<model expression>”
    • Inserts HTML element if expression is true
    • Does not insert element in the DOM if it is false
  • ng-repeat=“<variable> in <array>”
    • Repeats the HTML element for each value in the array
    • Also a key-value pair version for JSON objects
  • ng-view
    • Determine where the partial will be placed
    • Can only have one ng-view per page
Angular Expression: {{ }}
It is use to insert model values directly into view

  • $scope
    • JavaScript object
    • Contains data (i.e. models) and methods (i.e. functions)
    • Can add own properties
    • $scope.<my new property> = <value>;
  • Controller function takes at least one parameter: $scope
    • Function is a constructor
    • Ex:
    • function SimpleController($scope) { … }
  • We will see a different way of creating a controller constructor later

  • Use different views for different URL fragments
  • Makes use of template partials
  • Templates that are not a whole web page (i.e. part of a page)
  • Used in conjunction with the ng-view directive
  • ng-view determines where the partial will be placed
  • Can only have one ng-view per page
  • URL parameters
    • To access the parameters in the URL, use the $routeParams service
  • The $routeParams object will have a field with the same name as the parameter
    • Ex.
    • $routeParams.userId
  • Paths default to Hashbang mode
  • Can use HTML 5 mode by configuring the $locationProvider
    • Ex.
    • // Inject $locationProvider into the module using config $locationProvider.html5Mode(true);
    • Example URL:

How to enable the Rounting:

  • Enable by injecting the $routeProvider
    • myApp = angular.module(‘myApp’, [‘ngRoute’]); myApp.config([‘$routeProvider’, function($routeProvider) { … }]);
    • $routeProvider.when(<path>, {<route>});
  • Defines a new route that uses the given path
  • The path may have parameters
    • Parameters start with a colon (‘:’)
    • Ex
    • ‘/user/:userId’
  • Typical route fields:
    • controller = The name of the controller that should be used
    • templateUrl = A path to the template partial that should be used
  • $routeProvider.otherwise({<route>});
    • Typical route fields:
  • redirectTo: ‘<path>’
4. Divide project into modules:
  • Modules are a way of organizing your code in which you split up the work between different sections of your code rather than writing single huge application.
  • Application module can include the other modules by listing them as dependencies
  • angular.module(<name>, [<dependencies>]);
    • Creates a module with the given name
    • We use module if we want to attach the controller with specific page only
    • This module can then be configured
    • Ex.
      • var employee = angular.module(‘employee’, []); employee.controller(‘EmployeeController’, function($scope) { … });
    • Then assign “employee” to view as ng-app=“employee”
5. Examples: Source Code

6. Pros and Cons of AngularJS
  • Pros
    • MVC Capability
    • Two-way data binding
    • Directives
  • Cons
    • Too heavy
7. Download the PPT and Source Code:

21 JavaScripts Framework Worth Checking Out

Now a days, thousands of websites are going to be online on every day around the world. Here I'd like to share 21 most worth checkout JavaScrip frameworks which will help you learn and will integrate their awesome features into your application.

1. ActiveJS
ActiveJS is a JavaScript application framework that provides local and REST based data modeling and pure DOM view construction with back button and history support. No external dependencies, Does not modify built in objects, Exports only 5 globals, Framework agnostic, designed to be used with Prototype, jQuery, etc

2. Agility
Agility.js is an MVC library for Javascript that lets you write maintainable and reusable browser code without the verbose or infrastructural overhead found in other MVC libraries. The goal is to enable developers to write web apps at least as quickly as with jQuery, while simplifying long-term maintainability through MVC objects.

3. Angular
Angular supports the entire development process, provides structure for your web apps, and works with the best JS libraries.Declarative UI Templates, Two-Way Data Binding With angular, the view and data model are always in sync — there is no need for manual DOM manipulation. MVC with Dependency Injection.

4. Asan Luna
Luna is one of those hush-hush private frameworks that people have been talking about. And for good reason, I must admit. The framework features a lot of niceties including an evolved MVC architecture, pubsub, caching, routing and authentication.

5. Backbone.js
Backbone.js gives structure to web applications by providing models with key-value binding and custom events, collections with a rich API of enumerable functions, views with declarative event handling, and connects it all to your existing API over a RESTful JSON interface.

6. Batman.js
batman.js is a framework for building rich single-page browser applications. It is written in CoffeeScript and its API is developed with CoffeeScript in mind, but of course you can use plain old JavaScript too. It’s got: a stateful MVC architecture, a powerful binding system, routable controller actions, pure HTML views, toolchain support built on node.js and cake

7. Cappuccino
Cappuccino is an open source framework that makes it easy to build desktop-caliber applications that run in a web browser.

8. Choco
Choco brings the MVC to the client side!Thanks to Choco, you’ll be able to easily develop maintainable web applications. A Choco app consists of only one HTML page, all the interactions are managed by Javascript. Your UI only uses HTML and CSS!

9. CorMVC
CorMVC is a jQuery-powered Model-View-Controller (MVC) framework that can aide in the development of single-page, web-based applications. CorMVC stands for client-only-required model-view-controller and is designed to be lowest possible entry point to learning about single-page application architecture. It does not presuppose any server-side technologies, or a web server of any kind, and requires no more than a web browser to get up and running.

10. Eyeballs
eyeballs.js is a slim javascript library designed to sit on top of a javascript framework, such as jQuery or Prototype. Modules add various parts of functionality, for example the code that powers the individual model, controller, routing and validation layers. Drivers add support for underlying javascript frameworks. Features that rely on event handling etc. are part of driver logic. Adapters provide an API to various persistence layers, eg. HTML5 Local Storage, a REST interface or a CouchDB instance.

11. ExtJS
AExt JS 4 is a major step forward for web frameworks. Building on Ext JS 3.3, our latest release adds over 350 new APIs, 50 new classes, and 65% more documentation. Ext JS 4 also brings an entirely new data package that enables developers to use a model-view-controller architecture when building their app. The new MVC enables apps to leverage features like Infinite Scrolling a Grid to build an entirely new level of interactivity in to web apps

12. Jamal
Jamal is a set of conventions and small javascript libraries to archieve a complete separation of html, css and javascript in your web application. Jamal is built on jQuery and inspired by MVC frameworks like Ruby on Rails, CakePHP and its derivatives.

13. JavaScriptMVC
JavaScriptMVC is an open-source Rich Internet Application framework based on jQuery and OpenAjax. It extends those libraries with a model–view–controller architecture and tools for testing and deployment.

14. Kendo UI Framework
Kendo UI provides everything you need for building modern, interactive, JavaScript applications. It delivers a rich framework for client-side data binding, templating, animation, and drag-and-drop actions. Don’t waste time trying to assemble a bevy of jQuery Plugins. Kendo UI delivers a seamless, professionally tested and supported HTML5 toolbox for every project.

15. Knockout.js
Knockout is a JavaScript library that helps you to create rich, responsive display and editor user interfaces with a clean underlying data model. Any time you have sections of UI that update dynamically (e.g., changing depending on the user’s actions or when an external data source changes), KO can help you implement it more simply and maintainably.

16. PureMVC
PureMVC is a lightweight framework for creating applications based upon the classic Model, View and Controller concept. Based upon proven design patterns, this free, open source framework which was originally implemented in the ActionScript 3 language for use with Adobe Flex, Flash and AIR

17. Sammy.js
Sammy.js is a tiny JavaScript framework developed to ease the pain and provide a basic structure for developing JavaScript applications.Sammy tries to achieve this by providing a small ‘core’ framework and an ever-growing list of plugins for specific functionality. The core includes a simple API for defining applications which are made up primarily of routes and events. By driving application development around a small and specific API, Sammy attempts to keep your code organized while still allowing a lot of breathing room to define your own style and structure.

18. Spine
Spine is a lightweight framework for building JavaScript web applications. Spine gives you an MVC structure and then gets out of your way, allowing you to concentrate on the fun stuff, building awesome web applications.

19. SproutCore
SproutCore is an open-source framework for building blazingly fast, innovative user experiences on the web.

20. TrimJunction
The open source Junction framework is a conventions-over-configuration, synchronizing web MVC framework for JavaScript.

21. qooxdoo
qooxdoo is a universal JavaScript framework that enables you to create applications for a wide range of platforms. With its object-oriented programming model you build rich, interactive applications (RIAs), native-like apps for mobile devices, light-weight traditional web applications or even applications to run outside the browser.

10 Best Business Schools

1. Stanford University 

2. Harvard University 

3. Massachusetts Institute of Technology 

4. University of Pennsylvania 

5. University of Chicago 

6. Northwestern University 

7. Columbia University 

8. London School of Economics 

9. University of California - Berkeley 

10. London School of Business

7 Best TV Series Should Be Watch in 2014

You SHOULD watch these shows in 2014.

3. Fargo

4. Copper

6. Strain